What You See Is What You Get

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2021

“You have the whole world at your fingertips but you’ve got to see it to believe it. ” - Lisa Anderson

I remember my early days in business. Everything was exciting. Having the freedom to control my time, working with some pretty cool clients, making more money than I had ever personally seen before. It was great!

I also remember the comfort of being a small boutique consultancy. You’ve heard that term before right? It’s the term we use to excuse our decisions to play small. It’s the cover up we use to hide the fact that we are really still a micro business. We want others to invest in us yet we don’t want them to judge us because we are really small.

Then one day I had lunch with a long time friend. He also owned a business. While I had been in business longer, his business was significantly larger.

We were meeting to talk shop. He wanted to know if I could help him with his business. He asked me the typical questions, like do you have others working with you. I had all the typical answers, like yes, we are a boutique firm and have a small team serving a select group of clients.

Then something happened. He completely changed my perspective. He asked me these two questions:

  1. Are you building a lifestyle business?
  2. What is your exit strategy?

I can’t explain it but I was appalled by the first question? It made me feel small. It made me feel diminished. It made me feel limited. It made me feel all the things which originally caused me to take the risk as an entrepreneur. However, I was intrigued by the second question. It was enlightening and encouraging. It made me see the possibilities. It made me think outside the box.

In all the years I’d been in business no one had ever asked me those questions. They were literally game changers for me. I started to see myself and my business completely different.

That next year, I went on a mission to grow my business. I had the new desire to shift from a small boutique consultancy to growing a larger professional services firm. As I started to see things differently, opportunities started to increase, so did my team and so did my revenue.

What I learned in those moments was I had the whole world at my fingertips but I had to believe it to see it.

There are a lot of small businesses out there, 371 million to be exact. Yet only 7% make a million or more in revenue, which means a lot of businesses are playing it small. They don’t see the possibilities and that is stunting their growth.

This is why I endeavor to ask those two questions of as many small businesses as possible. I start every single engagement by exploring those two questions.

You can probably guess those questions have been game changers for my clients as it has been for me. Something about those questions spark greatness and causes everyone to step on the scale.

Now I want you to think about those questions. Then I want you to watch my Million Dollar Fireside Chat with my friend who asked me those critical questions. He shared how he has built his eight figure empire and what motivated him to scale to that capacity.

Finally, I want you to remember something my father always told us. “What you see is what you get!” It’s time for you to see the possibilities so you can get the opportunities.


Tune in as I talk with my life-long friend and client, Antwanye Ford as he shares his journey to building an eight figure business, what that was important and what's next for his legacy.  Check it out now.



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