The one thing you need to sleep at night

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2021

“A good friend knows all your best stories. A best friend has been there to live them with you! ” - Unknown

I don’t know about you, but I am personally floating on cloud nine. Last week was phenomenal!

The inauguration set the tone for me. I was front and center for it all. I could literally feel the big American sigh of relief as the changing of the guard occurred. Personally, for the first time in a very long time, I felt like I could truly slumber.

Then Thursday, I presented to a group of women business owners about one of the key strategies that has literally made me millions. I shared the five key steps to making joint venturing a fast track for growth. Based on the feedback I’ve received, I believe many of those who attended were also floating on cloud nine because they had a new yet simple strategy to make this a Champion year!

Finally, I closed out the week with my Legacy Builders at our very first retreat of the year! It was amazing! The buzz in the chat and on the screen was sheer fire. We opened up the event with a reflection and a huge celebration of the goodness, no matter how difficult, we experienced in 2020.

And for the first time, I presented six business owners with our Legacy Achievement Awards because of the significant, mindset shifts, momentum, perseverance, visibility, partnership and scaling achievements they’ve made over the past year. The growth of these individuals ranged from 21% to 100% in a pandemic! That’s something to celebrate!

These are all reasons to get excited. But what really set me off on cloud nine was the direct feedback I received. This is just one of the many that sent me into liftoff.

“THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO RECEIVE THE FIRST LEGACY ACHIEVEMENT SCALE AWARD!!!!! Honestly, this one means more than the Inc. 5000 because I know you are truly aware and a part of the hard work!”

As a service provider, you strive to do your best for your clients. But for me it’s been far greater than that. I strive to be their trusted advisor which means I go the extra mile to become ingrained in their growth process. When things go down, I want them to think of me and turn to me for advice first and always. This is what has made the difference for us. We don’t just show up to do a job, we show out so our clients can rest at night.

The saying, “a good friend knows all your best stories. A best friend has been there to live them with you”, is something to keep in mind when you are looking for a trusted advisor.

As CEO of a growing, scaling and thriving business, you need greater than a friend to turn to. You need a trusted advisor, someone who will go through the difficulties with you, someone who will help guide you, someone who will help you sleep at night.

As you know, I’ve proclaimed 2021 to be a Champion year! One of the 10 things you need to do to achieve that success is to put your A-Team to work for you!

My advice is usually to put an A-Team in place. Not this year. Just simply putting them in place is not enough to make you a Champion. You need to put them to work for you.

What does that mean?

They need to get into the trenches with you. They need to be by your side (or in your hip pocket 😉). They need to help with far greater than consultation.

I want you to rest up this year. As we close out this first month of 2021, I want you to think about who you need on your team to be a Champion this year and consider how you can get them working in your best interest.


Ever wondered what it means to build a legacy? Our clients have learned what it takes and have achieved success during the most difficult time in history. During the 2020 pandemic, they experienced upwards of 67% growth, signed multi-million dollar deals, doubled their team, and sustained operations while others around them struggled. Guess what? You can be just like our clients!

Let's explore what it takes to build your legacy. Gain information and insight about building your pathway to freedom, flexibility, and legacy! Let's start building your legacy NOW!


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