Lessons from my Mom

Uncategorized May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothers are very special people. They teach us, shape us and mold us to become our future best selves. If not for the lessons I've learned from my mom, I would not be the person I am today.

When I think about the lessons I've learned from my mom, it's difficult to list them all. However, there are four that stand out and are the key lessons I carry with me every day.

Be kind. My mother is by far the kindest person I've ever met. She's the one who taught me to smile at every one I meet and greet. She taught me that everyone deserves honor and respect no matter what walk of life they find themselves in. I believe this is why I have a passion for serving the underdog and for always engaging gatekeepers. They all matter and in many cases they matter most! I honestly believe this is why I've been draw to serving and supporting small businesses. They are the underdog in may world but matter most to our economy.

Be forgiving of yourself. This is the lesson I've added after my early morning fiasco. My mother is a daily reminder not to take things seriously. One thing is for certain in life, we will make mistakes. Don't let it mortify you. Recognize the mistake. Learn from the mistake. Correct the mistake. Keep it moving. This is the lesson I have to remind myself of daily. Don't sweat the small stuff. So this morning, after my message went out, I was reminded to woosah! It's really not that bad. Just breath!

Be committed. I think committed is my mother's middle name. She knows for certain what her mission is in life and she does not compromise it with options. Her only quest is to serve her family and that she has done well and never missed a beat. Every action she's taken has been for her family. I believe this is where I get my unrelenting focus on mission. Mission is the head and the tail of everything in my life and my business. It's the place where I help businesses begin and revisit to ensure they make it to the end. Mission is the purpose, the passion and the power behind your legacy.

Be resilient. This is by far the greatest lesson I've learned from my mother. Can you remember the day when your mother did something so amazing in your honor and made you proud to be her child? I personally remember every single time my mom did that for me. However there's one instance that shaped who I am and has been forever etched in my heart. After 10 years of staying home to care for my brothers and I, my mom suddenly had to go back to work. She suddenly became a single parent. She suddenly found herself in foreclosure. I watched my mother be resilient, resourceful and relentless in her quest to restore the livelihood of her family. And she did! In those moments of restoration is where I learned the most. It's where I learned "this will never happen to me" and mean it! It's the masterful way she managed through the storm that I've been able to masterfully manage through six crisis in business. It's the reason I am able to look for and execute my next moves through COVID-19.

Thank you mommy!

Thank you for making me resilient! Thank you for making me committed! Thank you for teaching me to be kind! Thank you for teaching me not to sweat the small stuff.

It's because of your that I am able to reap from your legacy and build a strong legacy for my children!

So today and forever, I honor you!


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