Do You Have The Capacity To Make Your Next Move?

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2020

You will face many challenges with growing your business and they all have one underlying cause - CAPACITY. - Lisa Anderson

There are two main reasons why business owners decide to work with me. 1. They are growing quickly and they are uncertain of how to fiscally manage that growth. 2. They are not growing fast enough and they are concerned with preserving their bottom line as well as their future. Regardless of which position they are in, I know immediately they have a capacity issue.

Capacity is the root of all evil and the answer for all that’s good in business. Need to fix your positioning? Let’s test your capacity.

What is capacity?
When you look the word up, you will find it to be so important that is has several meanings. Webster says capacity is: legal competency; the potential or suitability for holding, storing, or accommodating; the maximum amount or number that can be contained or accommodated; an individual's mental or physical ability; the faculty or potential for treating, experiencing, or appreciating; duty, position or role; power to produce, perform, or deploy maximum output.

Capacity touches every single key area of business including mindset. It’s plays such a critically important role in a business’ ability to grow or continue to grow that we assess and diagnose capacity issues first and always. It’s also the component we revisit and test periodically.

Assess and address capacity issues and you increase your confidence, competencies, consistencies and cashflow!

The question of the day regardless of whether you are growing or plateauing is do you have the capacity to make your next move?


This past Friday I had the opportunity to work intimately with 21 small business leaders at our third quarter Legacy Builders Business Accelerator Strategic Business Retreat where we addressed one of the biggest capacity issues in business - Business Development. It’s an area that brings about the most discomfort in business. Get it wrong, and the rest of the business fails. Over do it and the business becomes unmanageable. It’s really important to get it right.

During the retreat, we answered the following questions:

  1. Are you clear about your targets?
  2. Do you know how to reach your targets?
  3. Do you have the resources to help you connect with your targets consistently?
  4. Do you have the right systems in place to help you track your targets?
  5. Do you have the right incentives in place to achieve your desired results?
  6. Do you have a robust pipeline to turn leads into customers?
  7. Do you have a clearly defined method to align business development activities with your overall strategic business plan?

By the end of the day, they all had a clear plan with next steps for growth.

One business owner said, “Amazing how a few simple things and ideas can help move your business in a positive direction. Excited about the 4th Quarter. Game time.”

Another said, “Today did not disappoint! [The presenters] provided transferrable content that support our decisions to finish 2020 strong๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ“

Experiencing a little bit of anxiety with your business? Not sure how to make your next move? Need help managing top line growth and bottom line profitability? Need help with your cashflow? Let’s talk. I would love to assess your capacity and help you determine your next move.


There is a myth that having a budget stunts your growth and restricts your spending. How very wrong that is!! Your budget is actually the gateway to business growth, it’s the foundation for profitable pricing and it’s the predictor of your future. Let’s form your budget and help you scale!



Scale To Seven Figures is back with a new season and a new time. Check us out starting on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 4:30 pm eastern time. We’ve got a great lineup for you! Check us out!


Jolie Johnson says "I loaned my book to a friend and he wrote all in it, highlighting sections and really loves it! I told him that was my copy personally signed by the author and needed it back๐Ÿ˜ก". Beyond The Plateau: Five Simple Steps To Scale Your Way To A Million Dollar Business has been helping businesses move beyond the plateau and earning millions. Check it out today. Let's see if you are ready to scale your business.


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