Continue Running Your Race

Uncategorized Sep 03, 2015

Yes!  That’s me running on the beach in Maui, Hawaii this summer.  It was a great trip.  What you should know about me is I AM NOT A RUNNER, but I tried.

On a serious note, can I be real with you?

Running a business is probably the HARDEST job I’ve every had and there are just simply some days where I’ve wanted to quit.  Managing the delicate balance between people, partnership, process, profit, and yes, your personal life, sometimes becomes a bit much.  I have to constantly remind myself why I am running this race.  Once I do, I realign myself with my mission and off I go with more purpose, passion and power to make my mark.

“Success requires your tolerance!” ~ John Haynes, III

Tolerance and endurance to me are the same.  Running a business requires both.  Endurance is the capacity to withstand wear and tear, and the unpleasant process without giving in to reach the goal, objective or that thing that’s waiting on the other side. If someone tells you to endure, to keep running the race, you’ve got to understand there is something greater on the other side. Endurance means you have to push through some things in order to make those muscles work. It’s painful in the beginning, but the further you push the easier it becomes.

Push yourself to the limit!  Don’t quit!
There is truly a thin line between your business life and personal life.  No matter how much we try to separate the two, it’s virtually impossible.  Why?  Because everywhere you go, you take yourself.  Therefore, I look to find synergies between the two worlds.  Much of what I do on the personal side of my life, I am able to relate to the business side and vice versa.

Recently I joined group of girlfriends to walk our neighborhood a few days each week. The objective for me was to live a healthier lifestyle.  As I approach a milestone year, it becomes extremely important that I make this a priority.  I thought walking with these ladies would be easy.  How I so underestimated! My first week they had me walking over 2 miles, two times up a monster hill and even tried to get me to run. My body! Oh my body! I’ve never felt like that before. The second week we walked close to four miles. Are you guys trying to kill me? !? I wanted to quit!! But I remembered my goals and I also remembered the energy and clarity I felt after completing each walk. So I continued to push through the pain. Now several weeks later, it’s not easy but it’s EASIER to endure! The same is true in business.

You’ve got what it takes to make it to the finish line!

Your business is dependent upon you continuing to run your race.  Continue to endure.

Focus your attention on five key areas of endurance.  This will help you to not only run the race, but WIN.

1.  Consider your why.   Endurance requires that you have a meaningful goal. To endure you have to have something of greatness you want to achieve. You have to know your why; the reason you started your business.  For me it was remembering my love and passion for helping small businesses succeed.  Eighteen years ago, I had a mission to save the world.  Ok…maybe not the world, but I had a dream to make a major impact on the small business community.  To educate them on how to effectively build a sustainable operation and while building an empire that feeds their lifestyle.  Every time I help another business leader achieve great success, I am fueled with the energy to continue with my why.  It brings the energy I need to stay in the race.

2.  Consider your who.   Endurance requires that your purpose stretch beyond yourself.   Who can you immediately influence?  For whom can you create opportunities?  For me, it was my employees.  I am a teacher at heart and I love to spread my knowledge.  The teams I’ve helped to form have helped to fuel my passion.  When I hire members to my team, I give them one guarantee:  that they will leave significantly better than they came.  I have not failed them yet. Our frequent round table activities give me an opportunity to provide each individual with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.  My other who is my clients.  Once again, the teacher in me forces me to over deliver.  I want to make certain my customers receive all that I have to give.  My who helps me to continue running my race.

3.  Consider your box. Endurance requires that you step outside of your box and stretch beyond your comfort zone.  In most cases, you can not make it to the finish line by following familiar habits.  You have to get out and search for the answers.  I am constantly developing my skills.  I am able to deliver impeccable services to my customers because I take the time to learn something new.  I stretch my capabilities and experiences so I can bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table.  Stepping outside of my box is another way I fuel my passion.

4.  Consider your help.  Endurance requires accountability to stay the course.  As a business owner, I know first hand how lonely it gets at the top. There are few, if any, you can confide in or bounce ideas off.  I’ve learned the hard way, without accountability, it’s very easy for me to shift gears and simply give up or give in.  My greatest winning moments happened after I engaged an accountability partner; a business coach or mentor who had experienced what I was experiencing and was able to guide me and push me through to the finish line.  The big things in business, and even some of the small thins, require assistance.  You can not go through alone!  Let me say it again. You can not get through alone!! Accountability partners are so very key to your success. They care that you make it to the finish line and push you to stick with the process!

In our most difficult times, the answer is to push harder!

All business owners have that moment of surrender.  However, the key to winning is to push harder in those moments.  You can’t quit.  You owe it to yourself, your business and your customers to continue running your race.  As your Business Mentor and Adviser, I will be right behind you, cheering you on!
I am a Business Consultant and Growth Strategist who knows through first hand experience what it takes to grow and run a successful business.  I know what it really means to remain in the game for 18 consistent and consecutive years.  I know what is required to take a business from start up to multi million dollars in annual revenues.  I have successfully developed, coached, and implemented growth strategies that have helped hundreds of businesses succeed.  I know what it’s like to own and operate multiple businesses simultaneously.  As a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Leadership Coach, and an Adjunct Professor of small business concepts, I not only have experience, but the credentials to go along with it.  I have meaningful connections with officials within the U.S. Small Business Administration and other Federal and state governments.  IAM someone one who walks the talk!

Do you want to work with a leader who has a track record of running highly successful businesses and has already helped hundreds of other small businesses launch and grow?  Or do you want to stay where you are forever?  The choice is yours.

If you are an entrepreneur who is ready to take your business to the next level or if you are ready to get out of the weeds and take control of your business, schedule a 30 Complimentary Strategy Session with me today.

Applying for a strategy session is your first step toward getting out of the weeds of your business and focused on growth, opportunity and success.

 Stop running on the proverbial treadmill that leads to no where and step into forward motion.

Carpe Diem!  Seize the day!

Lisa D. Anderson
Small Business Consultant & Growth Strategist
Anavo Transformation Solutions LLC


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